This guide has been created to provide new and returning adjunct professors an overview of IT resources available to you. Each section includes instruction and policy respective to each listed item. We encourage all adjuncts to bookmark this document for quick reference, and are available for support Monday thru Friday, 8AM to 5PM at
Canvas Login
OneDrive is the cloud storage service implemented here at TMU, allowing you to securely store, access, and share your files from any device. It’s essential for backing up important documents and collaborating with colleagues. Remember to store all critical documents in your OneDrive folder to ensure that they are backed up and accessible.
Accessing OneDrive via the Web:
- Open your web browser and go to the OneDrive sign-in page.
- Sign in using your TMU email address and password.
- Once logged in, you’ll see your OneDrive files and folders. From here, you can upload new files, organize your documents, and share content with others at TMU.
For further assistance, please contact the IT Service Desk. (661-362-2876 |
OneDrive Policy for Adjunct Professors
Device Restrictions: Do not install your TMU OneDrive account on personal computers. You may use OneDrive's mobile app on secured devices (e.g., PIN-protected phones or tablets). If a mobile device is stolen, wipe it immediately and contact IT.
Data Responsibility: You are responsible for backing up your critical documents in the OneDrive folder. IT Operations is not liable for lost data that is not stored there.
Sensitive Data: Do not store documents with sensitive information, such as Social Security Numbers, in OneDrive. These must be stored on TMU network drives.
Backup: Only files directly placed in the OneDrive folder will be backed up, so to mitigate the chances of lost data, ensure that your data is stored where it needs to be.
Sharing: You may share OneDrive folders only with other TMU OneDrive accounts, requiring sign-in to prevent unauthorized access.
For detailed guidelines, please refer to the complete policy document: OneDrive Policy.pdf
- SSOE (Pearl C. Schaffer School of Education)
- EHC (English and History Center)
- Music Department
- Copy Center